Tomatis Australia aims to treat some hearing, speech and language problems through auditory therapy. The aural treatment used to manage auditory processing disorder is called the Tomatis Method. It is a way to restructure or re-educate the auditory section of the brain. Only the licensed and professional specialists can conduct the technique of enhancing the listening, learning and communication skills of a child, adult or anyone who is dealing with hearing issues.
The Tomatis Method is introduced in 1947 by a French otolaryngologist named Alfred A. Tomatis. The technique, which is also called as Audio-Psycho-Phonology (APP), becomes an alternative solution in treating a variety of hearing ailments. The innovative therapy reached Australia in 1995 through the French-Australian psychologist, Françoise Nicoloff.
The process on how we provide autism services includes Preliminary Assessment, Listening Sessions (Passive Phase), Listening Sessions (Active Phase) and Regular Follow-Ups. We make sure that we give you our full support all-throughout the way, from comprehensive autism assessment to one-on-one regular consultation.
At Tomatis Australia, we are committed to helping clients in dealing with ADHD, ADD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, Learning Difficulties, Speech Delay Difficulties, Auditory Processing, Depression, Stress and Personal Development. Our services help to improve your or your child's speech and language development, academic skills, motor and coordination skills, emotional regulation and much more.