If you are facing a 3rd DUI violation in Pennsylvania, you need to retain the services of a highly qualified criminal defense lawyer immediately. Your future depends on the comprehensive preparation of a solid defense by an attorney specifically trained and experienced in handling driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol charges.
Those facing a third DUI will also be facing installation of an ignition interlock device, or IID, on their vehicle/s for a period of one year before unrestricted driving privileges will be restored. If convicted for a 3rd or 4th DUI, you will be required to have the device installed on all vehicles you own and operate, and pay all costs associated with the IID installation. Most approved vendors charge around $1,200 for a 12 month lease of an IID.
The IID is basically a breathalyzer connected to a communications network. The vehicle will not start until you blow into the device and your breath sample registers that no alcohol is in your blood. The device will also prompt for testing during operation of the vehicle at random times. Your IID limited license will begin after you have completed 12 months of your driver’s license suspension. PennDOT has more information here.
Take steps now to avoid the severe consequences of a 3rd DUI conviction. Find out what you can do to help your attorney fight the DUI charges, and then call us at: (412) 444-7171. We are highly qualified criminal defense attorneys with the specialized training, skills and legal knowledge necessary to protect your freedom and your future.