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Posted by on 04/11/2023

A More Detailed Story - American History Books in Orlando, FL!


Phillip Thomas Tucker PhD has won recognition as a national award-winning historian and America’s most prolific groundbreaking “New Look” historian in multiple fields of history. He has been a well-known author of American History books around Orlando, FL, and has published a ton of them. The range of entries for this volume includes writers so varied that readers with a passing interest in discovering America’s storytelling history of the Western frontier (as it was redefined throughout our history), readers with a desire to understand the wealth of ancient stories passed down in the oral tradition, students endeavoring to get a more reasonable and accurate vision of America. Want to read one of his books? You can browse his website at ptthistorybooks.com to see the published books he has written. You can also avail of his books on amazon.com.

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