Khosla Stone Kidney & Surgical Centre is the well-reputed and the Best Urology Hosptial in Punjab. At Khosla Stone Kidney & Surgical Centre, many well-expert doctors work under Dr. Rajesh Khosla. He is a well-experienced doctor and many procedures are taken such as Extracorporeal ShortWave Lithotripsy (ESWL), Mini PCNL (Mini Perc), Ureteroscopy (URS), and Percutaneous surgery of kidney stone (PCNL) for kidney stone treatment. If you have any queries, you can contact us for more details.
Khosla Stone Kidney & Surgical Centre (Urology Hospital)
Address- 451, Khosla Hospital, Near Char Khamba Chowk, Model Town, Ludhiana, Punjab 141002