www.golocalezservices.com - golocalezservices.com
Posted by on 11/20/2022

Cell Theory: Institute of Cellular & Aesthetic Medicine


Welcome to the Cell Theory: Institute of Cellular & Aesthetic Medicine. We specialize in regenerative, functional, and aesthetic medicine, priding ourselves on integrating cellular health internally to aesthetic beauty externally. Our dedication is to treat problems at their root cause via evidence-based medicine. Our religion is preventive medicine as the pioneer of health, beauty, and longevity. Our commitment to patients is to combine lifestyle changes, modern wellness therapies, and ongoing health tailoring to meet the unique demands of each human being. We offer FDA-approved, cellular-based treatments and employ a preventive mindset, instead of a reactive one, to exponentially increase the well-being and health of our patients.




4218 Southwest 9th Street , Miami FL 32984

Phone Number:


Business Hours:

Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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