Bunions, hammertoes, and corns are the three most common foot deformities being treated by cosmetic foot surgery. Our podiatrists treat these deformities using Minimally-Invasive surgical techniques so the patient is left with minimal to no scarring.
Many people are ashamed of their feet and having nice straight toes without corns can help your confidence and quality of life. All symptoms should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by your podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to exclude any underlying serious condition
Get Beautiful Feet
The best NYC podiatrist provides Minimally- Invasive and/or No-Scar bunion treatment and corn removal. Using cutting-edge surgical techniques, our podiatrists give you the best results and have you back in heels in no time! Most patients are able to walk home in a surgical shoe the same day as the surgical procedure! Recovery is typically between 6-8 weeks for bunion surgery and 4-6 weeks for corn/hammertoe surgery. If you wear sandals, spend a considerable amount of time barefoot by the pool or at the beach, or just want to impress a partner, the idea of cosmetic foot surgery may not be that far-fetched. In fact, cosmetic foot surgery is on the rise. If it’s something you want to pursue, talk to the best-rated podiatric surgeon you can find in NYC.