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Posted by on 08/18/2022

Dann Sheffield & Associates, Personal Injury and Construction Lawyers


Being involved in an auto accident is a frightening experience that can drastically change your life within seconds. Frequently, victims of auto accident are left injured and unable to work. Often the manner in which the accident occurred is in dispute with both sides accusing the other of being at fault. Victims are faced with mounting medical bills, wage loss, potential loss of employment, the feeling of not being able to take care of their families, and the pain and suffering that accompanies their injuries. Injured victims are then faced with the difficult task of attempting to recover their losses from insurance companies who see each injured person as nothing more than a claim number. The insurance companies have attorneys whose job it is to prevent you from recovering what you deserve. At Dann D. Sheffield & Associates our attorneys have over 35 years of experiences dealing with tough insurance adjusters and their attorneys. Our attorneys can help you understand your rights, insurance policies, and the best course of legal action to take. If you have been involved in an auto accident hiring an attorney is essential to ensuring that you recover what you deserve. Whether you are disputing who is at-fault for the accident, need help paying medical bills, or just need your car repaired, Dann D. Sheffield & Associates can help.

Dann Sheffield & Associates, Personal Injury and Construction Lawyers Contact Details

Address  :   5511 Seaview Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107

Contact Number  :  (206) 781-5000

Website  :  https://www.sheffieldinjurylaw.com

Google+ Profile  :  https://www.google.com/maps?cid=14226461927884080520

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