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Posted by Tibbott & Richardson on 08/15/2023

Drug Charges in PA


When facing drug charges in Pennsylvania, the accused has certain legal rights under the criminal code that law enforcement and prosecution cannot deny. Primary among these is the right to an attorney throughout all stages of criminal processing, including at the arrest and booking stage, charging stage, and litigation stage.

Remember that you have the right to:

  • •Remain silent. Use it! Be respectful and tell the officer “I want to speak to an attorney.”
  • •Have your Miranda Rights read before you are arrested and detained for questioning.
  • •Ask (politely) to see a search warrant in specific situations.
  • •Speak to your attorney before questioning; and to have your attorney present for all interrogations.

Pennsylvania drug laws involve many different offenses with stiff penalties possible even when drug paraphernalia and small amounts of illegal drugs are found. If you are caught in possession, or charged with intent to deliver, you need to take all charges seriously and defend against them with the best legal representation you can afford.

The only way to know what you are truly facing is by consulting with a qualified drug crime attorney in Pennsylvania. Call Tibbott & Richardson today to receive a valuable consultation on your case for free.

Tibbott & Richardson

1040 Fifth Avenue, Fourth Floor

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

(412) 444-7171


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