If you received only fake jobs and promises, just ignore them. Don’t able to find a trusted portal to find a job in UAE?
We are here to help job seekers to find a job in UAE and Employers find the right candidate.
Who we are?
UAE is the world's largest Blue Collar recruitment market. I12wrk is UAE’s Largest Blue Collar player by large job vacancies. We are using deep technology to help job seekers and job providers. seekers and providers are connecting through a skillsets have and skillsets need.
Highlights on i12wrk:
Getting job alerts based on skillset.
Thousands of verified recruiters.
100+ jobs daily.
Verified job before live on the website.
Easy and User-friendly interface.
Post your CV for Free.
Don't hesitate to reach us to discuss feel free to discuss. We are waiting to discuss with you.
Contact Details:
Address: Tiffany Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates