Akkin Garden Supplies is a reputable local business based in the UK, employing an effective team of landscapers, who are extensively qualified and committed to providing excellent services. Our business assures all aspects of gardening products. The most fancied product we offer is an extra-large square plastic planter for the outside. The large pots are recycled with rubberized plastic. We offer a large range of colors for this item. The most favorable color of our audience includes black and green. We also manufacture tailor-made extra large plastic planters that are ideal for variable uses, for instance, growing shrubs, bamboos, small trees, fruit bushes, etc. our business offers an extensive range of sizes from 4 ltr through 160 ltr. These planters are extremely heavy–duty and offer sustainability at a reasonable price. Its wide base consists of great stability and procures excellent root spreads. We assure you quantity and quality at the most affordable price from any other supplier. If you are looking for extra large plastic planters for outside gardens or any other garden supplies, contact us today for further assistance.