Your heel is the primary exit point for the vertical forces travelling through your body. Each time you walk, run and jump, the heel is absorbing the shock of the body weight above and the ground force below. Thus it is no surprise so many people suffer from chronic heel pain. The most common cause of heel pain is a plantar fasciitis with or without the presence of a heel spur. Plantar fasciitis is caused by the pulling of a thick band of tissue that connects your heel to your forefoot. As you absorb shocks the arch of your foot tends to flatten with each step causing this band of tissue to stretch.
As it is stretched, this band of tissue known as the plantar fascia, tugs on the heel bone (calcaneous) causing a heel spur to form. Conservative treatment is successful in relieving symptoms in most patients but some go on to needing surgery. Surgical treatment for heel spurs and plantar fasciitis yields great results and total relief of pain shortly after surgery is attained in most cases. All symptoms, potential procedural/surgical options should always be discussed with your podiatrist after a thorough consultation and examination for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.