Thorough and comprehensive high blood pressure tests are offered by the NYC cardiologist Dr. Steven Reisman of the New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center. High pressure, or hypertension, is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.High blood pressure tests as offered by our heart doctors are fast, painless, and can save your life.
Hypertension can lead to a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure. Determining the correct diagnosis means you will get the correct care. Any heart specialist can treat your symptoms, but only an expert hypertension doctor can pinpoint the reason for your condition and take steps to treat it at its source.
Normal blood pressure: generally less than 140/90 mmHg (i.e. systolic blood pressure less than 140 and diastolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg).
High blood pressure: 140/90 mmHg or higher.
Why does high blood pressure matter for cardiac health?
High blood pressure damages the walls of the arteries. If you have high arterial pressure, the force exerted on your arteries is much higher than considered “normal”. If it is very high it can create microscopic tears in the artery walls that then turn into scar tissue.
Damaged arteries accumulate circulating materials such as cholesterol, platelets, fats and plaques.
High blood pressure speeds up hardening of the arteries. As you age, your arteries will naturally harden and become less elastic over time. This happens even in people without high pressure. However, uncontrolled high blood pressure speeds up the hardening process.
The following factors increase the risk of serious problems associated with high blood pressure:
Consequences of Hypertension | High Blood Pressure Doctor NYC
Age: the older you are, the higher your risk
Your family history. High arterial pressure may be genetic.
Having high blood cholesterol
Being overweight
Having diabetes
Your race/ethnicity. Certain ethnic groups, such as African Americans, have a greater risk of developing high blood pressure at an early age.