No one likes having warts, as they’re unsightly and may even cause you pain. That’s especially true when plantar warts grow on your feet. They can cause discomfort whenever you stand or walk. Wart removal is easy with laser treatment in the Premier Podiatry. Dr. Velimir Petkov has the tools, the knowledge and the experience using a laser to safely and effectively take care of your warts and get you up and moving again. Call or visit us in Clifton, NJ or Wayne, NJ for an evaluation and the newest laser plantar wart removal surgery.
Laser treatment for plantar warts is often the best choice for you if you’re suffering from warts on your feet. The condition develops because of the human papillomavirus (HPV) that infects the soles of your feet. The most common cause of the infection is walking on contaminated surfaces in public showers, gym locker rooms and swimming pools. You can also contract the virus if you suffer from corns and calluses.