Getting out of your auto lease early or swapping your auto lease is not an easy process and is quite difficult to do at most places. Exiting a lease is not something that all dealerships want to handle because, after all, you are breaking the terms of your contract. If you are unable to meet the terms of your contract, no matter the reason, you need to call Lease A Car NY to discuss a lease transfer in NY. Call: 347-269-2315 Exiting your lease can be a very expensive process and many customers do not even know that there is an alternative that will save you a ton of money. You can simply transfer your lease. This is a process where the remainder of your current auto lease in NY is transferred to another person who will resume the payments and complete the lease. There is a fee associated with transferring your lease, but it is much less than the fee you’d have to pay to exit your lease early. If you would like to learn more about a lease transfer in NY, now is the time to call our office at 347-269-2315.