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Posted by Forest Hills Medical Services on 05/22/2020



MyoSure and TruClear are systems for removing polyps and fibroids from your uterus. You can undergo a Hologic MyoSure hysteroscopy or a polypectomy with MyoSure. Additionally, a TruClear fibroid and polyp removal procedure offers benefits not found in traditional surgery. All are new procedures, but safe and effective. Talk to your gynecologist in Queens, NYC to discuss if you can take advantage of either system.


Uterine fibroids and endometrial polyps are two of the leading causes of excessive bleeding in women. Fibroids can cause heavy bleeding during your period, and cause your period to last longer than usual. Polyps can cause bleeding to occur between your periods.

A myomectomy is the removal of fibroids and a polypectomy with MyoSure is the removal of polyps. Previously, two of the main options to noticeably relieve these conditions were a hysterectomy or procedures that used electric current to potentially burn and scar the uterus. For women who are interested in conceiving, these options were not acceptable.

New Options for Removing Polyps and Fibroids

The MyoSure hysterocsope and TruClear fibroid and polyp removal procedures have presented new processes that not only shorten surgery and your exposure to anesthesia, they also don’t use electricity. Plus, there is a reduced chance of uterine damage with these procedures.

Hologic MyoSure and TruClear fibroid and polyp removal are systems that provide simple and accurate removal of intrauterine tissue, including submucous myomas or fibroids. The processes also eliminate endometrial polyps that appear inside your uterus, while retaining your tools of conception.

Both Treatments Follow a Similar Process

Both the Hologic MyoSure and TruClear fibroid and polyp removal follow the same steps to remove unwanted tissue:

  1. An instrument known as a hysteroscope is inserted into your uterus through your vagina and past your cervix.
  2. A saline solution is introduced to inflate the uterus slightly for better visuals. This does not harm your uterus.
  3. The hysteroscope has a small camera at the tip of the wand for your Forest Hills, Queens gynecologist to view the uterus and the unwanted tissue.
  4. A small cutting instrument is inserted through the hysteroscope to shave the unwanted tissue into very small pieces.
  5. These pieces are suctioned out with the hysteroscope or washed away with the saline solution at the end of the procedure.

Since the procedures use no electricity and need no external incisions, each process is a minimally invasive technique. As a result, the procedures are quicker and safer than even minimally invasive myomectomy and polypectomy techniques. Plus, your recovery time is greatly reduced. Both the Hologic MyoSure and TruClear fibroid and polyp removal systems are typically performed on an outpatient basis and leave your uterine function and form intact.

Read more: https://www.obgynqueensnyc.com/myosure-polyps-fibroids-removal-specialist/

Forest Hills Medical Services lives up to its reputation, as Dr. Gohar is a top gynecologist in Queens. His practice offers a range of services to help you stay healthy and plan for a healthy future. Call to Forest Hills Medical Services for an appointment by this number: (718) 897-5331

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

Working Hours:
Monday: 8 AM - 7 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM - 7 PM
Wednesday: 8 AM - 7 PM
Thursday: 8 AM - 7 PM
Friday: 8 AM - 7 PM
Saturday: 8 AM - 4 PM
Sunday: Closed

Forest Hills Medical Services
108-16 63 Road,
Forest Hills, NY 11375
Tel: (718) 897-5331
Fax: (877) 389-3138

Web-address: https://www.obgynqueensnyc.com

E-mail: info@obgynqueensnyc.com

Our location on map: https://goo.gl/maps/LReownuzpabbysk67

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Read more: https://www.zocdoc.com/doctor/james-a-gohar-md-76428

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