Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition of the heel that results from inflammation of a band of tissue in your foot. Conservative treatment such as injections, stretching, orthotics and physical therapy is usually successful in treating plantar fasciitis, however, some cases become surgical if prior treatment doesn’t provide relief of pain. Surgery typically involves releasing part of the tight plantar fascia and performed in a surgical center under anesthesia. All symptoms, potential procedural, and plantar fasciitis treatment options should always be discussed with a physician after a thorough consultation and examination for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Your plantar fascia is a thick band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot connecting your heel to your forefoot. The fascia is similar to a ligament in that it can tear, thicken and become painful. The fascia may be injured by direct trauma or by constant strain over time. Fasciitis is the medical term for swelling or inflammation of your fascia tissue.