While daily brushing and flossing are vital to maintain a healthy smile and prevent tooth decay, there’s just no way that you can completely remove all the build-up on your teeth by yourself. Visit your dental care at Stamford office at least twice a year to ensure all the plaque and tartar that build up over the course of time and with normal eating are removed professionally.
Stains also are more easily removed when they haven’t penetrated the top layer of enamel on your teeth. Teeth cleaning is painless, and it offers your dentist a chance to check your teeth and gums for any potential issues so they can be treated before they get worse.
Taking good care of your teeth and gums helps you look your best while preventing potential dental problems. Dental hygiene starts at home with brushing twice a day and flossing daily. This care is reinforced by professional preventative care from your family dentist at Stamford dental practice.
Teeth cleaning should be done twice a year by the experts at your nearby dental practice. Good oral hygiene combined with regular dental exams ensures that you maintain a healthy smile and avoid serious issues that lead to more extensive dental treatments.