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Posted by Manhattan Periodontics & Implant Dentistry on 05/24/2020

Sinus Lift – $3,695.00


If you have recently inquired about dental implants in New York then you may have got as far as your initial consultation only to hear you need sinus lift surgery or a sinus augmentation to ensure your dental implant treatment is a success. But what is sinus lift surgery? Is it really necessary to have a sinus lift surgery and what will this treatment feel like and how will it affect you?

New York periodontist Dr. Rahmani is a nationally recognized as America’s Top Periodontist, one of the best sinus lits specialists in New York City. Dr. Rahmani provides a full range of periodontal procedures in NYC including sinus lift.

Why Sinus Lift Augmentations Are Important

If your NYC dental implant dentist has suggested a sinus lift prior to dental implants then they will have had a very good reason for doing so and you can rest assured that this sinus lift procedure is necessary. This type of procedure is best carried out by a specialist periodontist such as Dr. Navid Rahmani at Manhattan Periodontics and Implant Dentistry as picking a specialist dentist will help ensure sinus lift in NYC treatment proceeds smoothly.

Sinus lifts are frequently necessary for people wishing to have dental implants to replace their upper back teeth. Often bone in this area tends to be thinner and less suitable for dental implants, simply due to the anatomy of the skull. It is also possible to have a lack of bone in this area due to the shape of your sinuses as some people have bigger sinus cavities than others and the sinuses can increase in size with age.

Additionally, bone can be lost due to advanced gum disease and once teeth are removed then bone loss will naturally occur. If you lost teeth quite some time ago and have only just thought about having dental implants then it is likely that you will have suffered some bone loss. A lot of this bone loss occurs during the first year or so after tooth loss, which is why it is often better to have dental implants sooner rather than later after tooth loss.

Sinus Lift Surgery Procedure in NYC?

Your sinuses are air-filled spaces located in your upper jaw near to the roots of your upper back teeth.

Often there is just a thin layer of bone separating your sinuses from your tooth roots, as it’s possible for bone loss in this area to occur due to disease or injury.

If you need to have upper teeth extracted, and wish to replace them with dental implants, you could need a sinus lift procedure to help build up the bone in this area.

Successful dental implants need to be inserted into a minimum amount of bone, and a sinus lift procedure or sinus augmentation raises the floor of the sinuses, enabling new bone to be formed.

This is one of the most common bone graft procedures for patients who have lost bone in their upper jaw. Through strengthening and increasing the bone in this location, the dental implant can be placed in the correct amount of strong and healthy bone.

Sinus lift surgery is carefully planned and every precaution will be taken to ensure its success. Although it is possible it may add a little additional time to your dental implant treatment, dental implants are a long-term option and are worth the extra effort.

Read more: https://www.periony.com/sinus-lift-surgery-in-our-midtown-manhattan-nyc-center/ 

Please contact Manhattan Periodontics & Implant Dentistry office for consultation with a top periodontics and laser specialist by the number (212) 644-4477.

Working Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 6pm

Friday: 8am - 2pm

Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

Manhattan Periodontics & Implant Dentistry

121 East 60th St, Ste 6C1,

New York, NY 10065

(212) 644-4477



e-mail: info@periony.com

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https://plus.codes/87G8Q27J+8M New York

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Price $3,695.00