Most people don’t understand the difference between a sonogram vs. ultrasound. The truth is that ultrasound technology produces sonogram images. A pelvic sonogram can reveal structural issues or abnormalities in your pelvic region, where your reproductive and waste organs are. A vaginal sonogram focuses on your reproductive organs, looking for structural damage or unusual growths. Your gynecologist at Century Medical and Dental Center uses ultrasound as a diagnostic tool.
A sonogram is an image processing procedure that helps to diagnose medical conditions. During the sonogram, an image is captured of your reproductive organs that include your vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Your best rated gynecologist at the Century Medical and Dental Center in Brooklyn uses the sonogram image to check for any abnormalities in your reproductive tissues.
Most people get confused about the sonogram vs. ultrasound differences, especially since many associate sonograms with pregnancy. The technique that allows you to observe the growth of your baby or diagnose serious medical problems is the ultrasound, while a sonogram is the image that the ultrasound device creates. Both terms refer to the same procedure.
Why You May Need a Sonogram Image Taken
A sonogram image can detect a number of medical conditions because of the clarity it provides of your internal tissues and organs. The same reasons doctors rely on sonograms to check fetuses make these images useful for detecting abnormalities within specific areas of your body, such as your reproductive organs.
As a result, your Brooklyn gynecologist may order an ultrasound for you to produce sonogram images that can confirm or rule out specific diseases and conditions, such as:
Pelvic pain
Endometrial polyps
Ovarian cysts
Ovarian polyps
Uterine fibroids
Pelvic prolapse
Anterior prolapse
Posterior prolapse
Uterine prolapse
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Sometimes, your doctor may want to do additional tests like an endometrial biopsy or cervical cone biopsy for physical confirmation of a potential diagnosis. The tissue sample collected is sent to a lab for analysis. If you received an abnormal pap smear result during your last cancer screening or have a sexually transmitted infection like genital warts, your gynecologist performs as many tests as necessary to keep an eye on your reproductive and overall health.
For more information about the Century Medical & Dental Center, please contact our Downtown Brooklyn office by number (718) 522-3399 ; Flatbush office (347) 627-3988 ; Gravesend office (718) 336-8855.