At Solid Painting Maui, our home painting services are our area of expertise. We are here to support you on your quest to transform your place into a place you wish to call “home,” whether you want to freshen up your exterior paint job or add some new components to your interior space. We have finished several projects for homeowners trying to raise the value of their property before putting it on the market and for those who have recently bought a home and want a complete renovation to convert a gem in the rough into a dream home. To get professional results, trust our team of residential painting contractors in Maui, HI. To ensure a high-quality finish, our skilled painters will thoroughly prepare and paint your house quickly and effectively!
Our Maui, HI, office can be reached by calling 808-264-2110 or by checking our website at You can also reach us via our online form. We look forward to transforming your building.