" TRUTHIS " 就是Truth is 「真相是」的意思,固名思義是告訴大家美容護膚的真相。" Truthis: " is a skincare brand launched by Giann (@chan.tsz.ying) as the name implies, the brand dipicts the truth about beauty and skin care
Keywords:clean beauty, clean beauty hk, clean beauty 品牌, clean beauty 香港, 潔淨美容, 潔淨美容香港, 瑞士護膚品, 保濕精華, 保濕霜, 敏感肌護膚品
Address :Hong Kong
Phone Number:+852 6973 0447
Email Id:info@truthis.co
Social Media:https://www.facebook.com/TRUTHISOFFICIAL/