Masonry damage not only puts a huge damper on your curb appeal and aesthetics, but it can have a big impact on the structural soundness of your home and chimney, too. This is why hiring a trusted mason to address any problems sooner, rather than later, is an important step to take. Unfortunately, when it comes to actually hiring a contractor, things aren’t always so easy…
Count on Brick1 Masonry, the #1 masonry repair company in Tulsa, OK. We don’t just slap a band-aid on the problem, then leave you to figure it out from there. We’ll accurately diagnose any problems you have, then offer a solution that will last. We also make it a point to listen to any customer concerns and provide options that meet your budget. We never surprise you with hidden charges, and we always treat your home (and the people in it) with the utmost respect and courtesy. Call us today at 918-698-3573. You can also visit our website at to know more about us.