Home Improvements
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Business phone:
(724) 400-0200
Garage Door Springs Replacement
Let’s talk about Garage springs! Most people don’t pay attention to them or hardly notice them at the top section of their garage door and don’t really know how important they are for the garage door function of raising and lowering the door. more important thing to know is how dangerous they can be when someone without the right knowledge tries to handle them. So if you’re having trouble with your garage door springs i strongly suggest to call a professional to get it fixed and whatever you decide to do, don’t try to fix it by yourself without acquiring the knowledge necessary to get it done safely. after more than 10 years in the business i know of some people who replaced their springs by themselves and few of them even did a good job, but it is not something i would recommend anyone without the right knowledge or a good health insurance premium. on this article i will try to introduce you to the torsion springs world so you can learn a little bit before deciding how you like to get your garage door springs repaired.