Owen the Locksmith is a trusted local emergency locksmith & security company for the Bognor Regis area. We give a 15-- 60 minute rapid response for all lock changes, lock repairs and accessing your home or business when locked out.
We give a complete locksmith service around Bognor, including gaining entry when you are locked out of your Bognor Regis residence, same day lock change service at your home or business, burglary lock repair work, damaged lock repair work and lock replacements. We also install additional locks and security involving high security locks & British standard locks.
Owen the Locksmith can calibrate, fix or replace your uPVC & double glazing door & window locks, including all handles, mechanisms and hinges.
Free estimates can be given over the phone, in addition we will make a variety of security references while onsite as required.
Special locksmith discounts are offered to senior citizens and we can take payment directly on site by credit/debit card or cash.