Seamless is a mobile app that provides learning support strategies that are easy to implement in the classroom and at home. These strategies aid learning by supporting and improving attention, executive functioning skills and self-regulation, and are beneficial for primary school aged children .who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Teachers and caregivers often have to spend hours searching across multiple sites and sources to find appropriate strategies for children and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which strategies might be effective for a specific child’s combination of needs. This is where Seamless comes in - we take the guesswork out of deciding which support strategies a child may benefit from, thereby reducing the mental load for caregivers and teachers.After answering a quick questionnaire, users are provided with appropriate strategies to support a child’s individual learning needs. Users can monitor how effective the strategies are, and ask to receive additional strategies if needed. Other features of the app are articles, audios and videos on relevant topics pertaining to learning differences and new ones are uploaded regularly, as well as access to printable tools and resources to support learning.