In July 2016 Matt Detaege had an idea. That idea turned into what is now the astounding company you know as, TitleTown Lawn & Pest Pros. He has 15 years of experience in lawn care at TitleTown Lawn Pros, where he worked along side his dad until the day they shut their doors. With a family to feed and bills to pay, he succumbed to a life of finally having a boss. He decided to try something new and accepted a job with a big time pest control company. Now, most companies just have you pass a state certification exam, but not in the big leagues. They brought him straight to Madison, WI for a month long, specialized training, that he passed fluently. After 4 years in the industry though, he was finally fed up with the bad reputation his company had. No matter how much HIS customers loved him, He said no more to over charging customers and cutting corners matt about photo.jpg to maximize profits. By owning his own company, he is now able to offer better prices, with the proper products, and knows each and every customer has been satisfied with their service. He prides himself on integrity and a job done right.