Lexington, Kentucky, 40503
For more than 35 years, Suburban Painting Co.has been the residential and commercial painting source for Lexington, Kentucky, and surrounding communities. They expertly handle paint jobs of any size, including homes, businesses, and farms. They also offer shop finishing services like wood and metal furniture, cabinets, doors, shutters, and millwork. Suburban Painting Co. takes pride in the work they do, and all jobs include a workmanship warranty.
Suburban Painting Co. began as a part-time endeavor. Their exceptional work led to a wealth of customer referrals, which allowed the company to open its doors full-time just a few years later. They are a family-owned and operated business, and their team of professionals has grown to a staff of more than 20. They utilize the highest quality paint for all jobs and pride themselves on affordable pricing, dependable scheduling, and expert craftsmanship.
Residential painting services available at Suburban Painting Co. include interior and exterior paint jobs and staining, window glazing, drywall repair, and wallpaper removal. For businesses and farms, they do painting inside and out, new construction and fit-up work, concrete staining, and much more. Their shop finishing offerings include millwork construction of all varieties that are sure to enhance the look and feel of any property.
Suburban Painting a painting company dedicated to superior work and excellent customer service. They work with all clients to find the best solutions to fit any budget. Call (859) 276-1139 or visit their website toget a quote on your next paint job.
Category : Painting Contractors, Interior Painting, Exterior Painting
Phone: (859) 276-1139
Website :
Hours : Mon-Fri : 7AM-6PM