Business, Consultants & Services
New York, New York, 10009
Welcome to Vertical & Horizontal Blinds! We can apply our knowledge and expertise to documenting requirements for integrated technology products, materials and services for a proposed project. We can work together with architects and engineers to assist in preparing contract documents and construction requirements. Our specifications describe the type and quality of every product required for the project including functionality, installation and finishing. Codes and standards are addressed where appropriate.
Comprehensive and thoughtful system design and engineering up front leads to the best balance of functionality, reliability and aesthetics in the end result. Avoid costly mistakes or change orders, having to do something twice, or tearing up walls once they’ve been closed. Careful attention is given to the numerous details involved with smart technology and integrated systems to ensure they are easy to use and deliver consistent performance and allow for future expansion or upgrades. Everything from wiring infrastructure, hardware location, control device placement, user interface design, power management and blending equipment with architectural elements and interiors is planned out in advance. We coordinate with architects, engineers, interior designers, general contractors, and affected sub-contractors.
Contact us today (646) 927-1732!