A non-custodial parent (NCP) in Pennsylvania may have been awarded partial custody or visitation rights to their child. The NCP may also have been granted shared...
Today, there are countless blended families nationwide that are providing loving, thriving environments for minor children. In PA, many custodial and non-custodial...
The Pennsylvania legislature has provided grandparents and great-grandparents with direct and indirect paths to filing for custody of their grandchildren. The code...
Pennsylvania is a marriage presumption state with regard to issues of paternity. Paternity is the establishment of a child’s legal father in the eyes...
Opioids are increasingly in the news headlines with many serious and unfortunate descriptions attached like “fatal” and “overdose.” But...
Like all 50 states, Pennsylvania is an “Implied Consent” law state. That means that in exchange for the privilege of driving in the Commonwealth, drivers...
Pennsylvania has enacted a number of Underage Drinking laws that include underage DUI charges. Title 18 of the Crimes Code contains laws pertaining to minors that...
Commercial Driver’s License holders in Pennsylvania are held to very high standards and rules under the law. Truck drivers and school bus drivers are both...
If you are facing a 3rd DUI violation in Pennsylvania, you need to retain the services of a highly qualified criminal defense lawyer immediately. Your future depends...
Pennsylvania has a 10-year “look back” period for establishing prior DUIs. Along with convictions, a previous ARD for DUI will also count toward...
Being charged with driving under the influence (DUI) for the first time is a very upsetting and frightening experience. Most drivers in Cambria and Allegheny County...
The Benefits of Choosing a Local Estate Planning Attorney in Coral Gables, Miami, FLWe understand that estate planning can be a daunting task, and it’s important...